Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 and Mg24(O16, O16)Mg24 reactions at backward angles

M. Paul, S. J. Sanders, D. F. Geesaman, W. Henning, D. G. Kovar, C. Olmer, J. P. Schiffer, J. Barrette, M. J. LeVine

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49 Scopus citations


Excitation functions of the Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 and Mg24(O16, O16)Mg24 reactions to the ground states and first-excited 2+ states in Si28 and Mg24 have been measured at θc.m.=180°over the energy range 24≤Ec.m.≤40 MeV, where the Mg24(O16, C12)Si28 reaction is known to exhibit a strong resonant behavior at forward angles. The four measured excitation functions show prominent structures, about 1 MeV wide, strongly correlated in the elastic and inelastic channels. Angular distributions in the range 110°≤θc.m. ≤180°were measured at Ec.m.=27.8, 30,8, and 36.2 MeV. At 27.8 and 36.2 MeV, where prominent peaks exist in the (O16, C12) backward-angle excitation function, the angular distributions of the transfer to the 0+ ground state are strongly rising toward 180°and have an oscillatory shape. The partial waves L=(20,22) and 26, respectively, are predominant at these two energies. At 30.8 MeV the data indicate the interference between odd and even partial waves. NUCLEAR REACTIONS Mg24(O16, C12), Mg24(O16, O16) Ec.m.=24-40 MeV; measured σ(E,θ); correlation analysis; DWBA and PL2 analyses; deduced J values.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1802-1809
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes


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