Meson-baryon dynamics and the pp/a3dπ+ reaction: (I). Total and differential cross sections

O. V. Maxwell, W. Weise, M. Brack

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77 Scopus citations


We have obtained σtot and dσ/dΩ for π+d/a3pp using the most recent version of the Paris NN interaction. The model consists of the impulse approximation, p-wave pion and rho-meson rescattering following Δ33 excitation, and s-wave rescattering constructed from the Koltun-Reitan lagrangian plus off-shell extrapolations. The rho mass distribution is described using the square of the Paris ƒ1 helicity amplitude, and monopole form factors have been included in the internal πNN and πNΔ vertices. Recoil corrections to the impulse approximation are also considered and turn out to be important. Results are obtained with the Paris and Reid interactions as a function of the ρNΔ coupling constant, αρ = ƒρρ, and cutoffs Δπ (varied between 1.7 and 2.0 and between 1.0 and 1.4 GeV respectively). Reasonable agreement with the experimental σtot can be obtained with either potential within the parameter ranges considered. Results for dσ/dΩ, parametrized in the form dσ/dΩ = (1/32π)(γ02 cos2 θ+γ4 cos4 θ+…), reveal that high partial waves (lpp〉3) play a significant role, particularly in γ4. This coefficient is particularly sensitive to αρ and may ultimately provide a constraint on that parameter.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)388-428
Number of pages41
JournalNuclear Physics, Section A
Issue number4-5
StatePublished - 1980
Externally publishedYes


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