Mechatronical assistance for paranasal sinus surgery

Kirill Koulechov, Gero Strauss, Robert Richter, Christos Trantakis, Tim C. Lueth

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery is a common intervention in ENT-Surgery. However, the close spatial relationship of the excised tissue to sensitive structures can lead to serious damage. We propose a system, where the surgeon preoperatively defines a region of interest. The intraoperatively used instrument is active only within this region. Intraoperatively, the instrument and the patient are tracked by a navigation system. Only if the tip of the instrument is within the defined region of interest, the surgeon can excise tissue. The time needed for this simple, manual segmentation procedure was evaluated to be approx. 4.2 min, which is sufficient for clinical use. The overall system precision has been evaluated in a technical experiment. The results are promising, but must be improved for clinical use. The connection between shaver and its tip is flexible, the modeling of the shaver as a point is insufficient. These issues will be addressed in the following research. However, the surgeons were attracted by the ease-of-use and the ability to concentrate only on the patient while carrying out very safe surgery.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)636-641
Number of pages6
JournalInternational Congress Series
StatePublished - May 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • ENT
  • FESS
  • Navigated control
  • Navigation


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