Measurement of elastohydrodynamic parameters in rough contacts

B. R. Höhn, K. Michaelis, O. Kreil

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In EHL-contacts roughness and surface texture affect substantially the formation of a lubricating oil film between the contacting bodies and thus frictional behavior and the load carrying capacity of the contact. Mean film thickness and pressure distribution over the Hertzian contact zone were systematically studied in a twin disk test rig. The effect of roughness was examined as a function of arithmetic roughness, load, sum velocity, and type of micro surface. Different types of surfaces were used: longitudinal grinding, transverse grinding, and transverse structured by etching. Transverse ground or structured surfaces form thicker films than longitudinal ground surfaces, rough transverse ground or structured surfaces form thinner films than smooth ones. This influence decreases with increasing load. With increasing surface roughness the maximum pressure in the EHL-contact is increasing and that the pressure rise is dependent on the load. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 15th International Colloquium Tribology - Automotive and Industrial Lubrication (Ostfildern, Germany 1/17-19/2006).

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
StatePublished - 2006
Event15th International Colloquium Tribology - Automotive and Industrial Lubrication - Ostfildern, Germany
Duration: 17 Jan 200619 Jan 2006


Conference15th International Colloquium Tribology - Automotive and Industrial Lubrication


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