Material design for low-loss non-oriented electrical steel for energy efficient drives

Nora Leuning, Markus Jaeger, Benedikt Schauerte, Anett Stöcker, Rudolf Kawalla, Xuefei Wei, Gerhard Hirt, Martin Heller, Sandra Korte-Kerzel, Lucas Böhm, Wolfram Volk, Kay Hameyer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

29 Scopus citations


Due to the nonlinear material behavior and contradicting application requirements, the selection of a specific electrical steel grade for a highly efficient electrical machine during its design stage is challenging. With sufficient knowledge of the correlations between material and magnetic properties and capable material models, a material design for specific requirements can be enabled. In this work, the correlations between magnetization behavior, iron loss and the most relevant material parameters for non-oriented electrical steels, i.e., alloying, sheet thickness and grain size, are studied on laboratory-produced iron-based electrical steels of 2.4 and 3.2 wt % silicon. Different final thicknesses and grain sizes for both alloys are obtained by different production parameters to produce a total of 21 final material states, which are characterized by state-of-the-art material characterization methods. The magnetic properties are measured on a single sheet tester, quantified up to 5 kHz and used to parametrize the semi-physical IEM loss model. From the loss parameters, a tailor-made material, marked by its thickness and grain size is deduced. The influence of different steel grades and the chance of tailor-made material design is discussed in the context of an exemplary e-mobility application by performing finite-element electrical machine simulations and post-processing on four of the twenty-one materials and the tailor-made material. It is shown that thicker materials can lead to fewer iron losses if the alloying and grain size are adapted and that the three studied parameters are in fact levers for material design where resources can be saved by a targeted optimization.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6588
Issue number21
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Electrical machines
  • Electrical steel
  • Loss modeling
  • Tailor-made material design


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