Loss-of-function variant in chymotrypsin like elastase 3B (CELA3B) is associated with non-alcoholic chronic pancreatitis

Andrea Tóth, Alexandra Demcsák, Florence Zankl, Grzegorz Oracz, Lara Sophie Unger, Peter Bugert, Helmut Laumen, Andrea Párniczky, Péter Hegyi, Jonas Rosendahl, Tomasz Gambin, Rafał Płoski, Dorota Koziel, Stanisław Gluszek, Fredrik Lindgren, J. Matthias Löhr, Miklós Sahin-Tóth, Heiko Witt, Agnieszka Magdalena Rygiel, Maren EwersEszter Hegyi

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10 Scopus citations


Background: Genetic alterations in digestive enzymes have been associated with chronic pancreatitis (CP). Recently, chymotrypsin like elastase 3B (CELA3B) emerged as a novel risk gene. Thus, we evaluated CELA3B in two European cohorts with CP. Methods: We analyzed all 8 CELA3B exons in 550 German non-alcoholic CP (NACP) patients and in 241 German controls by targeted DNA sequencing. In addition, we analyzed exons 6 and 7 by Sanger sequencing and the c.129+1G>A variant by melting curve analysis in 1078 further German controls. As replication cohort, we investigated up to 243 non-German European NACP patients and up to 1665 controls originating from Poland, Hungary, and Sweden. We assessed the cellular secretion and the elastase activity of recombinant CELA3B variants. Results: In the German discovery cohort, we detected a splice-site variant in intron 2, c.129+1G>A, in 9/550 (1.64%) CP patients and in 5/1319 (0.38%) controls (P=0.007, OR=4.4, 95% CI=1.5–13.0). In the European replication cohort, this variant was also enriched in patients (9/178 [5.06%]) versus controls (13/1247 [1.04%]) (P=0.001, OR=5.1, 95% CI=2.1–12.0). We did not find the two previously reported codon 90 variants, p.R90C and p.R90L. Conclusions: Our data indicate that CELA3B is a susceptibility gene for CP. In contrast to previous reports suggesting that increased CELA3B activity is associated with CP risk, the splice-site variant identified here is predicted to cause diminished CELA3B expression. How reduced CELA3B function predisposes to pancreatitis remains to be elucidated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)713-718
Number of pages6
Issue number6
StatePublished - Sep 2022


  • CELA3B
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Elastases
  • Genetics


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