Longterm assessment of spruce vitality in the Fichtelgebirge (West Germany) under ongoing acid depostion

Roman Lenz, Wolfgang Haber

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Historical land-use and especially acid precipitation seem to have altered the natural habitat conditions for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Central Europe. Many forest decline studies of the last ten years evaluate the continual anthropogenic stress situation for Norway spruce. Especially in regions with high acidic deposition, regeneration of spruce stands seems to be impossible without soil melioration. In a first estimate the assumed H+-deposition and additionally the propensity of soils to acidification in spruce stands is characterized. After studying several soil parameters, exposition and climatic factors were processed by means of a Geographical Information System in order to draw a balance of human impact on habitat conditions of Norway spruce. Both the spatial distribution of spruce vitality under natural conditions (without human impact) in the research area Fichtelgebirge (northeast Bavaria) and the prospective vitality of spruce under actual human impact is shown. From this comparison it is concluded that without air pollution abatement and without amelioration of the heavily acidified sites spruce regeneration can not be expected even in the long run. The actual forest damage and some restoration programs give evidence of this assumption.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)121-135
Number of pages15
Issue number2
StatePublished - Oct 1990


  • Forest decline
  • Norway spruce vitality
  • Risk assessment
  • Secular suecession
  • Soil toxicity


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