Lock-in thermography measurements of the spin Peltier effect in a compensated ferrimagnet and its comparison to the spin Seebeck effect

A. Yagmur, R. Iguchi, S. Geprägs, A. Erb, S. Daimon, E. Saitoh, R. Gross, K. Uchida

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24 Scopus citations


The spin Peltier effect (SPE) in a junction comprising a gadolinium-iron-garnet (GdIG) slab and a Pt film has been investigated around the magnetization compensation temperature of GdIG by means of the lock-in thermography method. When a charge current is applied to the Pt layer, a spin current is generated across the Pt/GdIG interface via the spin Hall effect in Pt. This spin current induces a heat current and a measurable temperature change near the Pt/GdIG interface due to the SPE. The SPE signal in the Pt/GdIG junction shows a sign change around the magnetization compensation temperature, demonstrating the similar temperature dependence of the SPE and the spin Seebeck effect for the Pt/GdIG hybrid system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number194002
JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number19
StatePublished - 20 Apr 2018


  • spin caloritronics
  • spin current
  • spin Peltier effect
  • spin Seebeck effect


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