Legitimation der kreislaufeffektiven Holzbauweise – Nachweis der Klimaschutzwirkung

Jürgen Graf, Boran Hao, Stephan Birk, Viktor Poteschkin, Wenchang Shi, Reiner Klopfer, Christina Jagsch, Eva Maria Ciesla

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Legitimation of circular timber construction. The sustainability principle requires that only as much wood is removed from the forest as will grow back in the same period. The annual harvest volume available for use in construction is therefore limited, also in view of the fact that other sectors of the economy are increasingly relying on the raw material. Accordingly, the aim is to maximise carbon storage as the sum of the carbon bound in the forest and the material use of wood. For the construction industry, this means maximising the longevity of building components by using wood as a resource in a circularly effective way. On the one hand, this paper presents the strategic approach to increasing the circularity of timber construction. On the other hand, the climate-relevant proof of the necessity of circularly effective construction is provided and demonstrated using a dynamic balancing method. For this purpose, it is shown for resource consumption and global warming potential how circularly effective construction can be quantified in principle and in particular with wood.

Original languageGerman
Specialist publicationBautechnik
StateAccepted/In press - 2024

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