Lebenszyklusorientierte Bewertung von Segmentbrücken in Stahlverbundbauweise

Translated title of the contribution: Life-cycle oriented assessment of composite steel segment bridges

Claus Berndorfer, Martin Hierl, Martin Mensinger, Günter Seidl, Tim Zinke

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

2 Scopus citations


Life-cycle oriented assessment of composite steel segment bridges. Innovations are a basic requirement for efficiency enhancements. Within bridge engineering innovative construction methods can help to handle the rehabilitation and renewal projects accruing in the next decades. For this purpose, already completed pilot projects are described, further developments are illustrated, and the segment construction method is compared with ”classical“ bridge structures using prefabricated steel-composite components and prestressed concrete. The comparisons focus on the performance of the bridges within the life-cycle and incorporate erection, utilization and removal costs as well as monetized effects on the road user und the community. The results provide a holistic decision basis which can be used within the decision-making process by clients, consultants and contractors.

Translated title of the contributionLife-cycle oriented assessment of composite steel segment bridges
Original languageGerman
Number of pages10
Specialist publicationStahlbau
StatePublished - Mar 2018


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