Lattice Boltzmann model with adjustable equation of state for coupled thermo-hydrodynamic flows

Rongzong Huang, Huiying Wu, Nikolaus A. Adams

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15 Scopus citations


A novel lattice Boltzmann (LB)model with adjustable equation of state (EOS)is developed in this work for simulating coupled thermo-hydrodynamic flows. The velocity field is solved by the recently developed multiple-relaxation-time (MRT)LB equation for density distribution function (DF), by which an adjustable EOS can be recovered. As to the temperature field, a novel MRT LB equation for total energy DF is directly developed at the discrete level. By introducing a density-DF-related term into this LB equation and devising the equilibrium moment function for total energy DF, the viscous dissipation and compression work are consistently considered, and by modifying the collision matrix, the targeted energy conservation equation is recovered without deviation term. The full coupling of thermo-hydrodynamic effects is achieved via the adjustable EOS and the viscous dissipation and compression work. The present LB model is developed on the basis of the standard lattice, and various EOSs can be adopted in real applications. Moreover, both the Prandtl number and specific heat ratio can be arbitrarily adjusted. Furthermore, boundary condition treatment is also proposed on the basis of the judicious decomposition of DF into its equilibrium, force (source), and nonequilibrium parts. The local conservation of mass, momentum, and energy can be strictly satisfied at the boundary node. Numerical simulations of thermal Poiseuille and Couette flows are carried out with three different EOSs, and the numerical results are in good agreement with the analytical solutions. Then, natural convection in a square cavity with a large temperature difference is simulated for the Rayleigh number from 103 up to 108. Good agreement between the present and previous numerical results is observed, which further validates the present LB model for coupled thermo-hydrodynamic flows.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)227-247
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of Computational Physics
StatePublished - 1 Sep 2019


  • Adjustable equation of state
  • Boundary condition treatment
  • Coupled thermo-hydrodynamic flows
  • Lattice Boltzmann model
  • Standard lattice
  • Viscous dissipation and compression work


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