Laser microtools in cell biology and molecular medicine

S. Thalhammer, G. Lahr, A. Clement-Sengewald, W. M. Heckl, R. Burgemeister, K. Schütze

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43 Scopus citations


Lasers for micromanipulation in cellular or subcellular dimensions have gained remarkable interest within the entire community of life science research and applications. In 1962, Bessis, for the first time, focused a ruby laser into a microscope to perform micromanipulation of cells under microscopic observation [1]. Today, there exist two principles of laser micromanipulation that depend on the nature of the applied laser source. So-called "optical traps" are generated by coupling a continuous wave near an infrared laser into a routine microscope. Optical forces are generated within the small laser focal spot that attract microscopic small specimens and hold them there solely by radiation pressure forces. On the other hand, a focused, near diffraction limited pulsed UVA laser allows ablation and microdissection of biological material with high spatial resolution. There, focal diameters of less than 500 nm can be achieved depending on the numerical aperture of the applied objective. These laser-based systems are the state of the art technologies for precise and noncontact micromanipulations with nanometer accuracy and have become indispensable tools in modern medicine and biotechnology, as will be outlined in this review article.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)681-691
Number of pages11
JournalLaser Physics
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2003
Externally publishedYes


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