Kehlnähte dichtgeschweißter Hohlkästen

Malik Ltaief, Martin Mensinger

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Fillet welds of airtight welded hollow boxes. In steel and steel composite bridge construction, inaccessible box girders provide filigree and resource-efficient structures. However, due to limited accessibility, inspecting the interior of these girders poses difficulties. As a result, it is necessary for the inaccessible hollow boxes to be airtight welded. This results in pressure variations within the box girder that are influenced by daily and seasonal temperature changes. Furthermore, due to geometric constraints, only two of the four longitudinal welds can be welded from the inside and the outside of the beam. As a result, two of the welds can only be made from the outside, resulting in a single-sided fillet weld. These one-sided fillet welds are subjected to unexpected bending stresses due to pressure variations. As part of a research project, numerical and experimental investigations are being conducted to examine the effects of internal pressure and determine the load-bearing capacity of single-sided fillet welds. A numerical model is generated and validated, and investigations are carried out using data from weather stations to determine the characteristic value of the internal pressure. Additionally, an initial series of experiments has been conducted to investigate the load-carrying and rotational capabilities of single-sided fillet welds. These experiments have shown a significant rotational capacity and increased load-bearing capacity for the single-sided fillet welds.

Original languageGerman
Number of pages10
Specialist publicationStahlbau
StatePublished - Sep 2023


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