Joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles

N. S. Witte, F. Bornemann, P. J. Forrester

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19 Scopus citations


The density function for the joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalues at the soft edge of unitary ensembles is found in terms of a Painlevé II transcendent and its associated isomonodromic system. As a corollary, the density function for the spacing between these two eigenvalues is similarly characterized.The particular solution of Painlevé II that arises is a double shifted Bäcklund transformation of the Hastings-McLeod solution, which applies in the case of the distribution of the largest eigenvalue at the soft edge. Our deductions are made by employing the hard-to-soft edge transition, involving the limit as the repulsion strength at the hard edge a → ∞, to existing results for the joint distribution of the first and second eigenvalue at the hard edge (Forrester and Witte 2007 Kyushu J. Math. 61 457-526). In addition recursions under a → a + 1 of quantities specifying the latter are obtained. A Fredholm determinant type characterization is used to provide accurate numerics for the distribution of the spacing between the two largest eigenvalues.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1799-1822
Number of pages24
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2013


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