Investigation on the Cause-Effect Relationships between the Process Parameters and the Resulting Geometric Properties for Wire-Based Coaxial Laser Metal Deposition

Avelino Zapata, Christian Bernauer, Christian Stadter, Cara G. Kolb, Michael F. Zaeh

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Coaxial Laser Metal Deposition with wire (LMD-w) is a valuable complement to the already established Additive Manufacturing processes in production because it allows a direction-independent process with high deposition rates and high deposition accuracy. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the adjustment of the process parameters during process development to build defect-free parts. Therefore, in this work, a process development for coaxial LMD-w was conducted using an aluminum wire AlMg4,5MnZr and a stainless steel wire AISI 316L. At first, the boundaries for parameter combinations that led to a defect-free process were identified. The proportion between the process parameters energy per unit length and speed ratio proved crucial for a defect-free process. Then, the influence of the process parameters on the height and width of single beads for both materials was analyzed using a regression analysis. It was shown that linear models are suitable for describing the correlation between the process parameters and the dimensions of the beads. Lastly, a material-independent formula is presented to calculate the height increment per layer needed for an additive process. For future studies, the results of this work will be an aid for process development with different materials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number455
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 2022


  • Additive Manufacturing
  • Annular laser spot
  • Coaxial wire feeding
  • Directed Energy Deposition (DED)
  • Laser Metal Deposition
  • Ring-shaped laser spot


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