Inventory of Forest Attributes to Support the Integration of Non-provisioning Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity into Forest Planning—from Collecting Data to Providing Information

Thomas Knoke, Mengistie Kindu, Thomas Schneider, Terje Gobakken

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

21 Scopus citations


Purpose of Review: Our review provides an overview of forest attributes measurable by forest inventory that may support the integration of non-provisioning ecosystem services (ES) and biodiversity into forest planning. The review identifies appropriate forest attributes to quantify the opportunity for recreation, biodiversity promotion and carbon storage, and describes new criteria that future forest inventories may include. As a source of information, we analyse recent papers on forest inventory and ES to show if and how they address these criteria. We further discuss how mapping ES could benefit from such new criteria and conclude with three case studies illustrating the importance of selected criteria delivered by forest inventory. Recent Findings: Recent studies on forest inventory focus mainly on carbon storage and biodiversity promotion, while very few studies address the opportunity of recreation. Field sampling still dominates the data collection, despite the fact that airborne laser scanning (ALS) has much improved the precision of large-scale estimates of the level of forest ES provision. However, recent inventory studies have hardly addressed criteria such as visible distance in stands, presence of open water bodies and soil damages (important for the opportunity of recreation) and naturalness (here understood as the similarity of the forest to its natural state) and habitat trees and natural clearings (important for biodiversity promotion). The problem of quantifying carbon stock changes with appropriate precision has not been addressed. In addition, the reviewed studies have hardly explored the potential of inventory information to support mapping of the demand for ES. Summary: We identify challenges with estimating a number of criteria associated with rare events, relevant for both the opportunity of recreation and biodiversity promotion. These include deadwood, rare species and habitat trees. Such rare events require innovative inventory technology, such as point-transect sampling or ALS. The ALS technology needs relatively open canopies, to achieve reliable estimates for deadwood or understorey vegetation. For the opportunity of recreation, the diversity among forest stands (possibly quantified by geoinformatics) and information on the presence of open water bodies (provided by RADAR, ALS data or use of existing maps) may be important. Naturalness is a crucial criterion for native biodiversity promotion but hard to quantify and assess until now. Tree species identification would be crucial for this criterion, which is still a challenge for remote sensing techniques. Estimating carbon storage may build on biomass estimates from terrestrial samples or on remotely sensed data, but major problems exist with the precision of estimates for carbon stock changes. Recent approaches for mapping the supply side of forest ES are promising, while providing so far uncommon structural information by revised inventory concepts could be helpful also for mapping the demand for ES. We conclude that future studies must find holistic inventory management systems to couple various inventory technologies in support of the integration of non-provisioning ES and biodiversity into forest planning.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-58
Number of pages21
JournalCurrent Forestry Reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Mar 2021


  • Biodiversity
  • Carbon storage
  • Ecosystem service criteria
  • Forest’s contributions to societal needs
  • Inventory techniques
  • Mapping of ecosystem services
  • Recreation


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