Intrauterine autogenous foetal bone transplantation for the repair of cleft-like defects in the mid-gestational sheep model

Nikolaos A. Papadopulos, Moschos A. Papadopoulos, Hans Florian Zeilhofer, Heike Boos, Julia Henke, Wolf Erhardt, Peter Boettcher, Rudolf Stolla, Laszlo Kovacs, Edgar Biemer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Aim: The success of intrauterine surgery in treating non-life-threatening malformations such as myelomeningocoele, has also renewed strong interest in using this technique for treating craniofacial malformations. Nevertheless, the only experimental cleft-like defect models known, are those concerning wound healing of soft tissues. Material & methods: Attempts were made to repair artificial cleft-like defects including transplantation of 11 autogenous foetal bone grafts from the iliac crest or ulna, and were randomly assigned to three study groups, using the mid-gestational sheep model. In a 4th study group, lyophilized collagen, a bone-regenerating bioresorbable implant material, was used to fill the alveolar defect. Results: In all groups, there was a slight degree of asymmetry and thinning of the lip. Radiological studies demonstrated a variable degree of abnormality of the maxilla, ranging from none to a mild deviation. Three-dimensional computer tomography, two-dimensional maximal intensity projection findings, and histological analysis confirmed bony healing of the alveolar cleft-like defect. Discussion/Conclusion: Intrauterine autogenous foetal bone transplantation for the repair of cleft-like defects in the sheep is feasible. This is a reliable and valuable model toward a possible clinical application for intrauterine treatment of clefts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)199-210
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2004


  • Cleft lip and palate
  • Foetal bone graft
  • Intrauterine surgery
  • Sheep model


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