Interprofessionelle Kooperationskompetenz von Pflegeauszubildenden im Kontext der digitalen Transformation

Eveline Wittmann, Ulrike Weyland, Aldin Striković, Monja Pohley, Svenja Hill, Larissa Wilczek, Philine Krebs, Susan Seeber, Julia Warwas

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This article asks how situational requirements which, in the digital transformation, have been newly placed on the interprofessional collaboration of nurses, as well as related competencies of prospective nurses can be modelled and operationalized. We use the conceptual framework of an activity system (Engeström & Sannino, 2010; Striković & Wittmann 2022) to theoretically model the digitalization-related changes in nursing as well as implications for interprofessional collaboration and requirements for interprofessional collaboration competence. We illustrate how the digitizationrelated context was integrated in the construction of situations to assess nurses’ interprofessional collaboration competence, using exemplary situations from our situational judgement test. We present findings on the measurement quality of the developed test (N = 328 nursing students). Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analyses provide indications of the extent to which the nursing students’ item solutions are consistent with the curriculum base of digitalization in subgroups of the sample. In addition, the connection between the digitalization-related items and the overall test is examined. The analyses underline that it is possible to operationalize interprofessional collaboration competence while taking into account emerging digitalizationrelated changes.

Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)202-225
Number of pages24
JournalZeitschrift fur Padagogik
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 2024

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