International Comparison of Weather and Emission Predictive Building Control

Christian Hepf, Ben Gottkehaskamp, Clayton Miller, Thomas Auer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Building operational energy alone accounts for 28% of global carbon emissions. A sustainable building operation promises enormous savings, especially under the increasing concern of climate change and the rising trends of the digitalization and electrification of buildings. Intelligent control strategies play a crucial role in building systems and electrical energy grids to reach the EU goal of carbon neutrality in 2050 and to manage the rising availability of regenerative energy. This study aims to prove that one can create energy and emission savings with simple weather and emission predictive control (WEPC). Furthermore, this should prove that the simplicity of this approach is key for the applicability of this concept in the built world. A thermodynamic simulation (TRNSYS) evaluates the performance of different variants. The parametrical study varies building construction, location, weather, and emission data and gives an outlook for 2050. The study showcases five different climate locations and reveals heating and cooling energy savings of up to 50 kWh/(m2a) and emission savings between 5 and 25% for various building types without harming thermal comfort. This endorses the initial statement to simplify building energy concepts. Furthermore, it proposes preventing energy designers from overoptimizing buildings with technology as the solution to a climate-responsible energy concept.

Original languageEnglish
Article number288
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2024


  • TABS
  • dynamic emission
  • electrical storage
  • intelligent control strategy
  • load management
  • thermal inertia
  • thermal storage
  • weather-and-emission predictive control


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