Integrated analysis and reconstruction of microbial transcriptional gene regulatory networks using coryneregnet

Jan Baumbach, Tobias Wittkop, Christiane Katja Kleindt, Andreas Tauch

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


CoryneRegNet is the reference database and analysis platform for corynebacterial gene regulatory networks. It provides web-based access to integrated data on gene regulatory interactions of corynebacteria relevant to human medicine and biotechnology, Escherichia coli and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To facilitate the analysis and reconstruction of the corresponding networks, CoryneRegNet provides user-friendly interfaces for bioinformatics analysis and network visualization tools. This protocol describes four major workflows: (1) querying the regulatory network of a gene of interest, (2) prediction and interspecies transfer of gene regulatory interactions, (3) visualization and comparison of predicted or known networks and (4) integration of gene expression data analysis and visualization. This protocol guides the user through the most important features of CoryneRegNet and takes 45-60 min to complete.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)992-1005
Number of pages14
JournalNature Protocols
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2009
Externally publishedYes


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