Insights Into Scalable Technologies and Process Chains for Sulfide-Based Solid-State Battery Production

Célestine Singer, Lovis Wach, Elena Jaimez Farnham, Rüdiger Daub

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


The successful utilization of innovative sulfide-based solid-state batteries in energy storage hinges on developing scalable technologies and machinery for upscaling their production. While multiple Gigafactories for lithium-ion batteries are already operational worldwide, the upscaling of solid-state batteries exhibiting their full potential remains to be seen in the near future. In this study, the conventional production of lithium-ion batteries is reconsidered, and the feasibility of seamlessly integrating sulfide-based solid-state batteries into the existing process chains is discussed. Scalable technologies and key challenges along the process chain of sulfide-based solid-state batteries are accordingly addressed. Experimental investigations yield crucial insights into enabling large-scale production of sulfide-based battery components while highlighting remaining challenges from a production perspective. An overview of the roll-to-roll machinery housed in microenvironments under an inert atmosphere in the “Sulfidic Cell Production Advancement Center” at the Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management at the Technical University of Munich is given.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202400142
JournalBatteries and Supercaps
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2024


  • Battery production
  • Production technology
  • Solid electrolyte
  • Solid-state batteries
  • Sulfide-based electrolyte


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