Inelastic Interactions of Slow Electrons with Adsorbed Particles

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22 Scopus citations


When slow electrons impinge on metal surfaces which are covered with an adsorbed layer, desorption of neutral particles as well as of positive ions, partly accompanied by fragmentation of the adparticles, is observed. The mechanism of these processes is of interest in connection with existing concepts of the surface bond. The effect can also be used as a probe for the investigation of complex adsorption layers. Transfer of much smaller energies to the adsorbate can lead to vibrational excitation. This process may find application in the vibrational spectroscopic study of adsorbates. If the energy transferred in the inelastic collision is high enough to ionize low‐lying levels of the surface atoms, radiationless re‐ordering of the electron configuration (Auger‐effect) can occur subsequently. The secondary electrons of characteristic energy emitted in these processes can be used for qualitative analysis of the surface.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-266
Number of pages12
JournalAngewandte Chemie International Edition in English
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1970


  • Adsorption
  • Electrons
  • LEED (low‐energy electron diffraction)


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