Induction of heavy-metal binding phytochelatins by inoculation of cell cultures in standard media

E. Grill, J. Thumann, E. L. Winnacker, M. H. Zenk

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

90 Scopus citations


A large increase in phytochelatin (PC) synthesis occurred when cell cultures of different plant species were transferred from spent medium to fresh standard media. Phytochelatin accumulation correlated with the initial concentration of zinc ions in the nutrient solution. After reaching stationary growth phase, phytochelatins had almost disappeared from the cells which indicates a high turnover of these molecules under normal conditions. No significant formation of the heavy-metal complexing phytochelatins was observed if the microelement ions zinc and copper were omitted from the nutrient solutions for plant cell cultures. Both the induction and degradation phenomena of these peptides indicate that phytochelatins are involved in metal ion homeostasis in plants.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)375-378
Number of pages4
JournalPlant Cell Reports
Issue number6
StatePublished - Oct 1988
Externally publishedYes


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