In vitro interactions of dietary fibre enriched food ingredients with primary and secondary bile acids

Susanne Naumann, Ute Schweiggert-Weisz, Julia Eglmeier, Dirk Haller, Peter Eisner

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47 Scopus citations


Dietary fibres are reported to interact with bile acids, preventing their reabsorption and promoting their excretion into the colon. We used a method based on in vitro digestion, dialysis, and kinetic analysis to investigate how dietary fibre enriched food ingredients affect the release of primary and secondary bile acids as related to viscosity and adsorption. As the main bile acids abundant in humans interactions with glyco- and tauroconjugated cholic acid, chenodesoxycholic acid and desoxycholic acid were analysed. Viscous interactions were detected for apple, barley, citrus, lupin, pea, and potato derived ingredients, which slowed the bile acid release rate by up to 80%. Adsorptive interactions of up to 4.7 µmol/100 mg DM were significant in barley, oat, lupin, and maize preparations. As adsorption directly correlated to the hydrophobicity of the bile acids the hypothesis of a hydrophobic linkage between bile acids and dietary fibre is supported. Delayed diffusion in viscous fibre matrices was further associated with the micellar properties of the bile acids. As our results indicate changes in the bile acid pool size and composition due to interactions with dietary fibre rich ingredients, the presented method and results could add to recent fields of bile acid research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1424
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2019


  • Bile acid binding
  • Bile acid excretion
  • Cholesterol
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Critical micelle concentration
  • In vitro digestion


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