Improved confinement in high-density ohmic discharges in ASDEX

F. X. Söldner, E. R. M̈ller, F. Wagner, H. S. Bosch, A. Eberhagen, H. U. Fahrbach, G. Fussmann, O. Gehre, K. Gentle, J. Gernhardt, O. Gruber, W. Herrmann, G. Janeschitz, M. Kornherr, K. Krieger, H. M. Mayer, K. McCormick, H. D. Murmann, J. Neuhauser, R. NolteW. Poschenrieder, H. Röhr, K. H. Steuer, U. Stroth, N. Tsois, H. Verbeek

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

122 Scopus citations


The unsaturated linear rise of the energy confinement time with density, En»e, up to the density limit is recovered in Ohmically heated discharges in ASDEX. Improvement of a factor of 2 is reached with E150 ms at n»e=5×1013 cm-3 The improved state is characterized by peaked density profiles. The ion heat diffusivity decreases to the neoclassical value. The parameter i=LneLTi governing the onset of ion-temperature-gradient modes, falls to the stability threshold. The improvement in confinement might therefore be attributed to the stabilization of i modes.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1105-1108
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number9
StatePublished - 1988
Externally publishedYes


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