Impact of local versus global ligand density on cellular adhesion

Janosch A. Deeg, Ilia Louban, Daniel Aydin, Christine Selhuber-Unkel, Horst Kessler, Joachim P. Spatz

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

140 Scopus citations


αvβ3 integrin-mediated cell adhesion is crucially influenced by how far ligands are spaced apart. To evaluate the impact of local ligand density versus global ligand density of a given surface, we used synthetic micronanostructured cell environments with user-defined ligand spacing and patterns to investigate cellular adhesion. The development of stable focal adhesions, their number, and size as well as the cellular adhesion strength proved to be influenced by local more than global ligand density.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1469-1476
Number of pages8
JournalNano Letters
Issue number4
StatePublished - 13 Apr 2011


  • ECM
  • Integrin
  • biointerfaces
  • focal adhesion
  • micronanostructures
  • single cell force spectroscopy (SCFS)


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