Humanoid robot Lola: Design and walking control

Thomas Buschmann, Sebastian Lohmeier, Heinz Ulbrich

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83 Scopus citations


In this paper we present the humanoid robot LOLA, its mechatronic hardware design, simulation and real-time walking control. The goal of the LOLA-project is to build a machine capable of stable, autonomous, fast and human-like walking. LOLA is characterized by a redundant kinematic configuration with 7-DoF legs, an extremely lightweight design, joint actuators with brushless motors and an electronics architecture using decentralized joint control. Special emphasis was put on an improved mass distribution of the legs to achieve good dynamic performance. Trajectory generation and control aim at faster, more flexible and robust walking. Center of mass trajectories are calculated in real-time from footstep locations using quadratic programming and spline collocation methods. Stabilizing control uses hybrid position/force control in task space with an inner joint position control loop. Inertial stabilization is achieved by modifying the contact force trajectories.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)141-148
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Physiology Paris
Issue number3-5
StatePublished - Sep 2009


  • Humanoid robots
  • Legged locomotion
  • Walking control


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