How progressive land titling could foster new surveying practices and land information systems-based on case studies in Namibia

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

2 Scopus citations


Under the premise that land administration is one of the necessary components of sustainable development and better land management, this article reviews how progressive titling could foster new land administration procedures and associated information systems. This review is based on the objectives of progressive titling as they are developed or currently implemented in various regions in the world. These objectives include an upgradable regime of rights to land, and a step-wise system of land surveying. How such objectives affect or should affect land surveying practice and design and implementation of land information systems is highlighted. The article derives a number of proposals to adapt the structure and objectives of land surveying and land information systems in such a way that these support the objectives of land management and tenure security better.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Specialist publicationComputers, Environment and Urban Systems
StatePublished - Sep 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Cadastre
  • Land information systems
  • Progressive titling
  • Surveying


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