Hintergründe und Grundlagen zur Anwendung von Brandschutzbekleidungen im Holzbau

Christoph Kurzer, Norman Werther, Stefan Winter, Jochen Zehfuß

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


Background and basics for the application of fire protective coverings in timber construction. This article summarises the current knowledge in the application of fire protective coverings for timber constructions. The different types of fire protective coverings, their definitions in standards and building codes and their performance requirements are discussed and the associated differences are compared. From the discussion of the backgrounds, an expanded view of the criteria to be verified for fire protective coverings for timber members is developed, which enables an optimised and resource-saving application while maintaining the requested safety level in fire protection.

Original languageGerman
Number of pages8
Specialist publicationBautechnik
StatePublished - Jan 2024

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