Heterosis in hybrid larch (Larix decidua x leptolepis) - II. Growth characteristics

R. Matyssek, E. D. Schulze

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Scopus citations


Among 33-year-old forest trees of Larix decidua, L. leptolepis and L. decidua x leptolepis, the hybrid possessed an above-ground biomass which was three times greater, although all larches displayed similar relative distributions of biomass. At a "relative growth rate" slightly lower than in the parent species, hybrid larch achieved twice the annual carbon gain, increment in stem length and above-ground production, and its foliage-related stem growth was higher than in European (L. decidua) but similar to Japanese (L. leptolepis) larch. A similar "relative growth efficiency" and foliage-related total above-ground production in all trees did reflect the similarity of photosynthetic capacity of the hybrid found at the leaf level. While the lengths of lateral twigs on hybrid branches were intermediate between the European larch with short, and the Japanese larch with large, twigs the hybrid possessed the longest branches with the highest needle biomass. This resulted in a crown structure of the hybrid crown similar to the Japanese larch together with a high needle density on branches as in the European larch. In total, the foliage biomass per crown length was about 30% higher in hybrid larch than in both of the parent species. Thus, the high carbon input for the stem heterosis was based on a "complementation principle" of advantageous parent features at the crown level. Similar slopes of foliage against sapwood area of stem and branches did not indicate a special need for a thick hybrid stem with respect to water transport.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)225-231
Number of pages7
JournalTrees - Structure and Function
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 1987
Externally publishedYes


  • Branching pattern
  • Growth
  • Heterosis
  • Larix
  • Needle density


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