Hades experiment: Di-lepton spectroscopy in p + p (2.2 GeV) and C+C (1 and 2 A GeV) collisions

W. Przygoda, G. Agakishiev, C. Agodi, H. Alvarez-Pol, A. Balanda, R. Bassini, G. bellia, D. Belver, J. Bielcik, A. Blanco, M. Böhmer, C. Boiano, A. Bortolotti, J. Boyard, S. Brambilla, P. Braun-Munzinger, P. Cabanelas, S. Chernenko, T. Christ, R. ConiglioneM. Dahlinger, J. Díaz, R. Djeridi, F. Dohrmann, I. Durán, T. Eberl, W. Enghardt, L. Fabbietti, O. Fateev, P. Finocchiaro, P. Fonte, J. Friese, I. Fröhlich, J. Garzón, R. Gernhäuser, M. Golubeva, D. González-Díaz, E. Grosse, F. Guber, T. Heinz, T. Hennino, S. Hlavac, J. Hoffmann, R. Holzmann, A. Ierusalimov, I. IoRi, A. Ivashkin, M. Jaskula, M. Jurkovic, M. Kajetanowicz, B. Kämpfer, K. Kanaki, T. Karavicheva, D. Kirschner, I. König, W. König, B. Kolb, U. Kopf, R. Kotte, J. Kotulic-Bunta, R. Krücken, A. Kugler, W. Kühn, R. Kulessa, S. Lang, J. Lehnert, L. Maier, P. Maier-Komor, C. Maiolino, J. Marín, J. Markert, V. Metag, N. Montes, E. Moriniere, J. Mousa, M. Münch, C. Müntz, L. Naumann, R. Novotny, J. Novotny, W. Ott, J. Otwinowski, Y. Pachmayer, T. Pérez, V. Pechenov, J. Pietraszko, J. Pinhao, R. Pleskac, V. Pospísil, A. Pullia, N. Rabin, B. Ramstein, S. Riboldi, J. Ritman, P. Rosier, M. Roy-Stephan, A. Rustamov, A. Sadovsky, B. Sailer, P. Salabura, P. Sapienza, A. Schmah, W. Schön, C. Schroeder, E. Schwab, P. Senger, R. Simon, V. Smolyankin, L. Smykov, S. Spataro, B. Spruck, H. Ströbele, J. Stroth, C. Sturm, M. Sudol, V. Tiflov, P. Tlusty, A. Toia, M. Traxler, H. Tsertos, I. Turzo, V. Wagner, W. Walus, C. Willmott, S. Winkler, M. Wisniowski, T. Wojcik, J. Wüstenfeld, Y. Zanevsky, P. Zumbruch

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The HADES (High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer) is a tool designed for lepton pair (e+e-) spectroscopy in pion, proton and heavy ion induced reactions in the 1-2 A GeV energy range. One of the goals of the HADES experiment is to study in-medium modifications of hadron properties like effective masses, decay widths, electromagnetic form factors etc. Such effects can be probed with vector mesons (ρ, ω, Φ) decaying into e +e- channel. The identification of vector mesons by means of a HADES spectrometer is based on invariant mass reconstruction of e +e- pairs. The combined information from all spectrometer sub-detectors is used to reconstruct the di-lepton signal. The recent results from 2.2 GeV p + p, 1 A GeV and 2 A GeV C+C experiments are presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)139-151
Number of pages13
JournalActa Physica Polonica B
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2006
EventXXIX Mazurian Lakes Conference on Physics - Piaski, Poland
Duration: 30 Aug 20056 Sep 2005


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