Ground-state order in magic-angle graphene at filling ν=-3: A full-scale density matrix renormalization group study

Tianle Wang, Daniel E. Parker, Tomohiro Soejima, Johannes Hauschild, Sajant Anand, Nick Bultinck, Michael P. Zaletel

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8 Scopus citations


We investigate twisted bilayer graphene (TBG) at filling ν=-3 in the presence of realistic heterostrain. Strain amplifies the band dispersion and drives the system beyond the strong-coupling regime of previous theoretical studies. We use DMRG to conduct an unbiased, large-scale numerical calculations that include all spin and valley degrees of freedom, up to bond dimension χ=24576. We establish a global phase diagram that unifies a number of theoretical and experimental results. Near zero strain we find an intervalley-coherent quantized anomalous Hall (QAH-IVC) state, a competitive strong-coupling order that evaded past numerical studies. A tiny strain around 0.05% drives a transition into an incommensurate Kekulé spiral (IKS) phase, supporting the mean-field prediction in [Kwan, Phys. Rev. X 11, 041063 (2021)2160-330810.1103/PhysRevX.11.041063]. Even higher strains above 0.2% favor a flavor-symmetric metallic order, which may explain metals found at ν=-3 in many experiments.

Original languageEnglish
Article number235128
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number23
StatePublished - 15 Dec 2023


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