
T. D. Müller, R. Nogueiras, M. L. Andermann, Z. B. Andrews, S. D. Anker, J. Argente, R. L. Batterham, S. C. Benoit, C. Y. Bowers, F. Broglio, F. F. Casanueva, D. D'Alessio, I. Depoortere, A. Geliebter, E. Ghigo, P. A. Cole, M. Cowley, D. E. Cummings, A. Dagher, S. DianoS. L. Dickson, C. Diéguez, R. Granata, H. J. Grill, K. Grove, K. M. Habegger, K. Heppner, M. L. Heiman, L. Holsen, B. Holst, A. Inui, J. O. Jansson, H. Kirchner, M. Korbonits, B. Laferrère, C. W. LeRoux, M. Lopez, S. Morin, M. Nakazato, R. Nass, D. Perez-Tilve, P. T. Pfluger, T. W. Schwartz, R. J. Seeley, M. Sleeman, Y. Sun, L. Sussel, J. Tong, M. O. Thorner, A. J. van der Lely, L. H.T. van der Ploeg, J. M. Zigman, M. Kojima, K. Kangawa, R. G. Smith, T. Horvath, M. H. Tschöp

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

860 Scopus citations


The gastrointestinal peptide hormone ghrelin was discovered in 1999 as the endogenous ligand of the growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Increasing evidence supports more complicated and nuanced roles for the hormone, which go beyond the regulation of systemic energy metabolism. Scope of review: In this review, we discuss the diverse biological functions of ghrelin, the regulation of its secretion, and address questions that still remain 15 years after its discovery. Major conclusions: In recent years, ghrelin has been found to have a plethora of central and peripheral actions in distinct areas including learning and memory, gut motility and gastric acid secretion, sleep/wake rhythm, reward seeking behavior, taste sensation and glucose metabolism.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)437-460
Number of pages24
JournalMolecular Metabolism
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2015


  • Ghrelin
  • Growth hormone segretagogue receptor


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