First results from GERDA Phase II

M. Agostini, M. Allardt, A. M. Bakalyarov, M. Balata, I. Barabanov, L. Baudis, C. Bauer, E. Bellotti, S. Belogurov, S. T. Belyaev, G. Benato, A. Bettini, L. Bezrukov, T. Bode, D. Borowicz, V. Brudanin, R. Brugnera, A. Caldwell, C. Cattadori, A. ChernogorovV. D'Andrea, E. V. Demidova, N. Di Marco, A. Domula, E. Doroshkevich, V. Egorov, R. Falkenstein, N. Frodyma, A. Gangapshev, A. Garfagnini, C. Gooch, P. Grabmayr, V. Gurentsov, K. Gusev, J. Hakenmüller, A. Hegai, M. Heisel, S. Hemmer, W. Hofmann, M. Hult, L. V. Inzhechik, J. Janicskó Csáthy, J. Jochum, M. Junker, V. Kazalov, T. Kihm, I. V. Kirpichnikov, A. Kirsch, A. Kish, A. Klimenko, R. Kneißl, K. T. Knöpfle, O. Kochetov, V. N. Kornoukhov, V. V. Kuzminov, M. Laubenstein, A. Lazzaro, V. I. Lebedev, B. Lehnert, H. Y. Liao, M. Lindner, I. Lippi, A. Lubashevskiy, B. Lubsandorzhiev, G. Lutter, C. Macolino, B. Majorovits, W. Maneschg, E. Medinaceli, M. Miloradovic, R. Mingazheva, M. Misiaszek, P. Moseev, I. Nemchenok, D. Palioselitis, K. Panas, L. Pandola, K. Pelczar, A. Pullia, S. Riboldi, N. Rumyantseva, C. Sada, F. Salamida, M. Salathe, C. Schmitt, B. Schneider, S. Schönert, J. Schreiner, O. Schulz, A. K. Schütz, B. Schwingenheuer, O. Selivanenko, E. Shevchik, M. Shirchenko, H. Simgen, A. Smolnikov, L. Stanco, L. Vanhoefer, A. A. Vasenko, A. Veresnikova, K. Von Sturm, V. Wagner, A. Wegmann, T. Wester, C. Wiesinger, M. Wojcik, E. Yanovich, I. Zhitnikov, S. V. Zhukov, D. Zinatulina, K. Zuber, G. Zuzel

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Gerda is designed for a background-free search of 76Ge neutrinoless double-β decay, using bare Ge detectors in liquid Ar. The experiment was upgraded after the successful completion of Phase I to double the target mass and further reduce the background. Newly-designed Ge detectors were installed along with LAr scintillation sensors. Phase II of data-taking started in Dec 2015 with approximately 36 kg of Ge detectors and is currently ongoing. The first results based on 10.8 kg• yr of exposure are presented. The background goal of 10-3 cts/(keV• kg• yr) is achieved and a search for neutrinoless double-β decay is performed by combining Phase I and II data. No signal is found and a new limit is set at yr (90% C.L.).

Original languageEnglish
Article number012030
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
StatePublished - 20 Sep 2017
Event27th International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics, Neutrino 2016 - South Kensington, United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Jul 20169 Jul 2016


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