Field re-entrant hidden-order phase under pressure in URu 2Si2

D. Aoki, F. Bourdarot, E. Hassinger, G. Knebel, A. Miyake, S. Raymond, V. Taufour, J. Flouquet

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21 Scopus citations


We succeeded in growing high quality single crystals of URu 2Si2 and performed thermal expansion measurements under pressure. Applying a magnetic field along the [001] direction in the tetragonal structure, the so-called hidden-order phase reappears after the suppression of the antiferromagnetic phase above the critical pressure Px. We determined the pressure-temperature-field phase diagram for the paramagnetic, hidden-order and antiferromagnetic states for the H ∥ [001] direction. We also present the temperature dependence of the upper critical field H c2 for and H ∥ [001] and [100] determined by the AC specific heat measurements, corresponding to the bulk superconductivity in a high quality single crystal.

Original languageEnglish
Article number164205
JournalJournal of Physics Condensed Matter
Issue number16
StatePublished - 2010
Externally publishedYes


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