Field demonstration of a transparent optical WDM-network with 10 Gbit/s maximum channel-data-rate applying an optimized optical link-design

Norbert Hanik, Armin Ehrhardt, Andreas Gladisch

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


A concept to design robust and flexible, fully transparent, optical long-haul networks without additional Raman-Amplification is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. Excellent performance and flexibility at data rates up to 10 Gbit/s and transparency lengths of more than 1700 km are predicted by computer-simulations and successfully demonstrated in a field-test. Error-free transmission of arbitrary data-rates up to 10 Gbit/s over variable link distances up to 1720 km could be demonstrated without intermediate 3R-regeneration and without additional Raman-Amplification and Forward Error Correction. This field-experiment demonstrates the technical feasibility of extensive and flexible, fully transparent optical WDM-Networks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)110-118
Number of pages9
JournalProceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
StatePublished - 2002
Externally publishedYes
EventAPOC 2002: Network Design and Management - Shanghai, China
Duration: 16 Oct 200218 Oct 2002


  • Dispersion Management
  • Long Haul Transmission
  • Optical Networks
  • Transparent Networks
  • WDM-Transmission


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