Fermi surface of the skutterudite CoSb3: Quantum oscillations and band-structure calculations

M. Naumann, P. Mokhtari, Z. Medvecka, F. Arnold, M. Pillaca, S. Flipo, D. Sun, H. Rosner, A. Leithe-Jasper, P. Gille, M. Baenitz, E. Hassinger

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4 Scopus citations


The unfilled skutterudite CoSb3 is a small-gap semiconductor which was predicted to be close to a strain-induced transition to a topological-insulator phase passing through a topological quantum critical point. As a starting point to strain measurements, the aim of this work is to characterize the electronic structure of as-grown samples. Two types of samples, one grown in Sb flux and the other by an inclined rotary Bridgman technique, are compared based on structural properties, resistivity, Hall effect, and magnetization. All samples appear metallic with small growth-dependent hole doping. Measurements of quantum oscillations in magnetization and angle-dependent electronic transport confirm the calculated band structure at ambient pressure. The Fermi surface consists of a single spherical sheet at the Γ point, and the purest samples grown by the Bridgman technique have a Fermi energy lying 25 meV below the valence-band edge. Band-structure calculations provide an accurate description of the experimental results. Hence, this compound is suitable for an investigation of topological states under strain.

Original languageEnglish
Article number085133
JournalPhysical Review B
Issue number8
StatePublished - 22 Feb 2021


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