Fasermengen und Leistungsklassen

Katharina Look, Josef Landler, Peter Mark, Oliver Fischer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


Fibre amounts and strength classes. How are residual tensile strengths related to fibre contents and fibre types? The contribution treats this question by means of database evaluations. The aim is to provide aids for structural design and cost estimations in order to compare fibre additions – i.e. an increase of materials and costs – to savings in bar reinforcement and simplifications in reinforcing works on site. In the sub-committee ”Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete“ of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb) a comprehensive database on flexural beam tests with currently over 1100 test series was compiled that covers the wide range of common fibre concretes relevant for today's construction practice. The findings of this database are part of several contributions in this special issue. This contribution presents the database in its basic structure, deals with its evaluation with regard to typical steel fibre mixtures, scatterings in the tensile behaviour as well as the frequently discussed correlation between fibre content and material characteristics. For this purpose, the test data are summarised in individual categories based on the characteristic parameters of concrete compressive strength, fibre slenderness, fibre's tensile strength and content. For each of these categories, the upper (95 % quantile) and lower limit (5 % quantile) as well as the average achieved flexural residual tensile strength are determined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-23
Number of pages11
JournalBeton- und Stahlbetonbau
Issue numberS1
StatePublished - Apr 2021


  • bending test
  • concrete mixtures
  • database
  • dimensioning
  • residual tensile strength
  • steel fibre reinforced concrete
  • structural design
  • tensile strength


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