Extraction and analysis of massive skeletal information from video data of crowded urban locations for understanding implicit gestures of road users

Andreas Keler, Patrick Malcolm, Georgios Grigoropoulos, Niklas Grabbe

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This work explains the possible inferable information from a long-term video acquisition with cameras installed in close proximity to pedestrian movements with an unobstructed view of the entire intersection. The main goal is detecting implicit and explicit gestures and understanding communication and interactions between different types of road users. After explaining the designs of different gesture classification approaches, we relate the qualitative approach with our classification scheme for the extracted skeletons. To this end, a sequence with selected moving entities is selected and compared with the manually annotated video sequence. Results show the limitations of the automated approach and indicate a level of subjectivity in the manual annotation procedure. Subsequently, we discuss possibilities and restrictions of our approach and reflect on the importance of the specific conditions of video acquisitions. Depending on the field of view and distance between installed video cameras and moving vulnerable road users (VRUs), we are able to define the restrictions of our approach. As a result, we are able to define a selection of suitable applications for our approach.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 2020
Event31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2020 - Virtual, Las Vegas, United States
Duration: 19 Oct 202013 Nov 2020


Conference31st IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, IV 2020
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityVirtual, Las Vegas


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