Extracting [Pd@Sn9]4– and [Rh@Pb9]4– Clusters from their Binary Alloys Using “Metal Scissors”

Marina Boyko, Viktor Hlukhyy, Hanpeng Jin, Jasmin Dums, Thomas F. Fässler

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8 Scopus citations


The search for novel ternary intermetallic compounds with specific structures is still a challenge. We found that the two-step synthesis giving a typical alloy in the first step followed by the reaction of this alloy with alkali metals is a promising route. The intermetallic compounds K12Pd0.47Sn17 and K4RhPb9 were synthesized by high-temperature reactions of preformed Pd-Sn and Rh-Pb alloys with K acting as “metal scissors” and were characterized by means of single crystal and powder X-ray diffractometry. The salt-like ternary phases K12Pd0.47Sn17 and K4RhPb9 contain novel endohedrally filled intermetalloid clusters [Pd@Sn9]4– and [Rh@Pb9]4–, respectively. The crystal packing of the products corresponds to filled variants of the binary Zintl phases K12Sn17 and K4Pb9, respectively. The crystal structure of K12Pd0.47Sn17 can be regarded as a hierarchical replacement variant of the hexagonal Laves phase MgZn2, with [Pd@Sn9]4–/[Sn9]4– and [Sn4]4– on Mg and Zn positions, respectively, whereas the packing of [Rh@Pb9]4– clusters in K4RhPb9 is hcp. K12Pd0.47Sn17 was characterized by Raman spectroscopy. For the first time Raman modes typical for endohedrally filled [Pd@Sn9]4– clusters are observed and in accordance with quantum-chemical calculations. In addition Raman spectroscopy shows also the presence of filled Pd@Sn9 clusters in a phase of nominal composition “Na12Pd2Sn17”. The results are discussed with respect to the volume increase due the incorporation of transition metal atoms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1575-1582
Number of pages8
JournalZeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie
Issue number18
StatePublished - 30 Sep 2020


  • Crystal structure
  • Intermetallic compound
  • Intermetalloid cluster
  • Zintl anion


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