Experimental and numerical investigation of blankholder’s vibration in a forming tool: a coupled MBS-FEM approach

Krzysztof Swidergal, Christian Lubeseder, Ingo von Wurmb, Arnulf Lipp, Josef Meinhardt, Marcus Wagner, Steffen Marburg

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


In order to achieve the energy and efficiency goals in modern automotive press shops, press systems with increasingly high stroke rates are being implemented (Meinhardt in proceedings of ACI forming in car body engineering. Bad Nauheim, Germany 2012). As a side effect, the structural dynamic loads on the press and especially on the forming tool increase. Hence, to design reliable and withstanding forming tools, a detailed knowledge of the vibrations and resulting critical loads is essential. In this paper, the main focus is put on the vibration of the blankholder—the heaviest moving component in the forming tool. To predict those vibrations, a coupled multibody-finite element simulation (MBS-FEM) is conducted, which combines rigid and elastic modeling approaches. Also, an experimental validation of the blankholder vibration under operational load is carried out. To compare the numerical and experimental results—both in time and frequency domain—an 1/3-octave analysis of a blankholder’s vibrational speed is performed. The test measurements agree well with the MBS-FEM simulation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)623-634
Number of pages12
JournalProduction Engineering
Issue number5-6
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Blankholder
  • Coupled MBS-FEM simulation
  • Forming tool/die
  • Servo press
  • Vibration


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