EuroSDR-project atlas of INSPIRE implementation methods final report

Ingrid vanden Berghe, Joep Crompvoets, Walter de Vries, Jantien Stoter

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This report is the final report of the EuroSDR project "Atlas of INSPIRE Implementation Methods". In two two-day workshops and one pre-workshop of the INSPIRE Conference in Krakow, June, 2010 we investigated strategies to implement INSPIRE in several members states. We focused specifically on the relations between the implemented strategy and how successful the INSPIRE implementation is perceived in a specific country. A questionnaire was carried out as well. This report describes the project, presents the conclusions and contains the main deliverables of the project which are: Two workshop reports Research agenda for the implementation of INSPIRE A network of SDI-practitioners and scientists across Europe that are strongly involved in the development of INSPIRE SDI-strategies Scientific paper publications Scientific paper publications: published IJSDIR article [1] and article in progress for CEUS (Journal for Computers, Environment and Urban Systems) INSPIRE-Conference pre-conference workshop, abstract and presentation Key documents collection regarding INSPIRE-implementation Prototype INSPIRE atlas (see: We are grateful to all participants of the workshops as well as to all who carefully completed the questionnaire. The exchange of knowledge and experiences has been a very valuable result to all of us.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)255-277
Number of pages23
JournalOfficial Publication - EuroSDR
Issue number59
StatePublished - Aug 2011
Externally publishedYes


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