Emergence of Concentration Effects in the Variational Analysis of the N-Clock Model

Marco Cicalese, Gianluca Orlando, Matthias Ruf

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


We investigate the relationship between the N-clock model (also known as planar Potts model or (Formula presented.) -model) and the XY model (at zero temperature) through a Γ-convergence analysis of a suitable rescaling of the energy as both the number of particles and N diverge. We prove the existence of rates of divergence of N for which the continuum limits of the two models differ. With the aid of Cartesian currents we show that the asymptotics of the N-clock model in this regime features an energy that may concentrate on geometric objects of various dimensions. This energy prevails over the usual vortex-vortex interaction energy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2279-2342
Number of pages64
JournalCommunications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2022


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