Emergence of Colloidal Patterns in ac Electric Fields

Florian Katzmeier, Bernhard Altaner, Jonathan List, Ulrich Gerland, Friedrich C. Simmel

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12 Scopus citations


Suspended microparticles subjected to ac electrical fields collectively organize into band patterns perpendicular to the field direction. The bands further develop into zigzag shaped patterns, in which the particles are observed to circulate. We demonstrate that this phenomenon can be observed quite generically by generating such patterns with a wide range of particles: silica spheres, fatty acid, oil, and coacervate droplets, bacteria, and ground coffee. We show that the phenomenon can be well understood in terms of second order electrokinetic flow, which correctly predicts the hydrodynamic interactions required for the pattern formation process. Brownian particle simulations based on these interactions accurately recapitulate all of the observed pattern formation and symmetry-breaking events, starting from a homogeneous particle suspension. The emergence of the formed patterns can be predicted quantitatively within a parameter-free theory.

Original languageEnglish
Article number058002
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number5
StatePublished - 4 Feb 2022


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