Elicitation of volatile compounds in photomixotrophic cell culture of Petroselinum crispum

Gerold Reil, Ralf G. Berger

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Photomixotrophic cells of Petroselinum crispum accumulated > 500 mg chlorophyll per kg wet weight and grew well in a broad range of phytoeffector conditions. Autoclaved fungal cells were lethal for photoheterotrophic cells, but induced in photomixotrophic cells the formation of volatile n-alkanes, phthalides, coumarins, and elemicine. Most of the compounds elicited reached a concentration maximum between 20 and 30 h after addition of the mycelium, whereas the group of n-alkanes increased steadily during the 90 h monitored. Maximum concentrations were: 12 mg of graveolone, 1 mg of bergapten, 0.5 mg of sedanenolide, and 0.5 mg of n-etradecane per 1 nutrient medium. A dose/effect relationship was found; 10 to 25 g of fungal wet weight per 1 culture medium resulted in maximum accumulation of volatiles. The formation of volatiles by photomixotrophic in vitro cells is discussed as an integral part of plant responses to ecological stress.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)131-136
Number of pages6
JournalPlant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1996


  • elicitation
  • furocoumarins
  • Petroselinum crispum
  • photomixotrophy
  • phthalides
  • volatile compounds


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