Electrically Induced Angular Momentum Flow between Separated Ferromagnets

Richard Schlitz, Matthias Grammer, Tobias Wimmer, Janine Gückelhorn, Luis Flacke, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein, Rudolf Gross, Hans Huebl, Akashdeep Kamra, Matthias Althammer

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Converting angular momentum between different degrees of freedom within a magnetic material results from a dynamic interplay between electrons, magnons, and phonons. This interplay is pivotal to implementing spintronic device concepts that rely on spin angular momentum transport. We establish a new concept for long-range angular momentum transport that further allows us to address and isolate the magnonic contribution to angular momentum transport in a nanostructured metallic ferromagnet. To this end, we electrically excite and detect spin transport between two parallel and electrically insulated ferromagnetic metal strips on top of a diamagnetic substrate. Charge-to-spin current conversion within the ferromagnetic strip generates electronic spin angular momentum that is transferred to magnons via electron-magnon coupling. We observe a finite angular momentum flow to the second ferromagnetic strip across a diamagnetic substrate over micron distances, which is electrically detected in the second strip by the inverse charge-to-spin current conversion process. We discuss phononic and dipolar interactions as the likely cause to transfer angular momentum between the two strips. Moreover, our Letter provides the experimental basis to separate the electronic and magnonic spin transport and thereby paves the way towards magnonic device concepts that do not rely on magnetic insulators.

Original languageEnglish
Article number256701
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number25
StatePublished - 21 Jun 2024


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