Eisenbahnüberführung Simmerbach - Pilotprojekt in VFT-Rail-Bauweise mit externer Bewehrung

Translated title of the contribution: Report on the railway overpass Simmerbach, Germany - Pilot project in VFT-Rail construction method with external reinforcement

Günter Seidl, Martin Mensinger, Eckart Koch, Franz Hugle

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

17 Scopus citations


The German Railway Company DB Netz AG put the first bridge structure using a composite structure with external reinforcement into operation and is gaining experience on the railway link Bingen-Saarbrücken. The new construction method implements a superstructure based on the non-ballast slab-track system. The structure contains a cross-section with external reinforcement manufactured out of rolled sections which are fixed to the precasted element by composite dowels. The close-off interval of one weekend was available for that project to replace the 140 years old trough bridges out of steel. The pier head and the support part of the abutments were renewed contemporaneously. The two innovative superstructures with a span of 12,75 m each have been in service since end of October 2011.

Translated title of the contributionReport on the railway overpass Simmerbach, Germany - Pilot project in VFT-Rail construction method with external reinforcement
Original languageGerman
Number of pages8
Specialist publicationStahlbau
StatePublished - Feb 2012


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