Efficient numerical simulations with Tensor Networks: Tensor Network Python (TeNPy)

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286 Scopus citations


Tensor product state (TPS) based methods are powerful tools to efficiently simulate quantum many-body systems in and out of equilibrium. In particular, the one-dimensional matrix-product (MPS) formalism is by now an established tool in condensed matter theory and quantum chemistry. In these lecture notes, we combine a compact review of basic TPS concepts with the introduction of a versatile tensor library for Python (TeNPy) [1]. As concrete examples, we consider the MPS based time-evolving block decimation and the density matrix renormalization group algorithm. Moreover, we provide a practical guide on how to implement abelian symmetries (e.g., a particle number conservation) to accelerate tensor operations.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSciPost Physics Lecture Notes
Issue number5
StatePublished - 8 Oct 2018


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