Dynamic stability of non‐linear shells of revolution under consideration of the fluid–soil–structure interaction

W. Wunderlich, B. Schäpertöns, C. Temme

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The dynamic behaviour of liquid‐filled shells of revolution is investigated considering the soil–structure interaction and the fluid–structure interaction, respectively. In the circumferential direction the loads and variables are approximated by Fourier series. The shell is modelled through shell ring elements including non‐linear behaviour, coupled with isoparametric continuum ring elements and special infinite elements for the soil and isoparametric pressure ring elements for the fluid. Transient loadings like earthquake excitation and the non‐linearities of the shell and the soil require an analysis in the time domain. To reduce the size of the problem, linear parts of the system are condensed by the substructure technique. The soil region is divided into two parts, a near field permitting non‐linearities like plastification or uplifting of the shell, and a far field for the treatment of radiation of energy. The boundary conditions for the shell footing have a strong influence on the distribution of the axial membrane forces and, hence, on the stability limit, which is mostly governed by plastic collapse and caused by the dynamically activated pressure acting on the tank wall. It is shown how the soil properties influence the dynamic stability of the shell under harmonic excitation and under realistic earthquake motion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2679-2697
Number of pages19
JournalInternational Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
Issue number15
StatePublished - 15 Aug 1994


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