Durchstanztragverhalten von stahlfaserverstärkten Flachdecken mit Bügeln

Sören Faustmann, Oliver Fischer

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Punching shear resistance of flat slabs with combined reinforcement utilising steel fibres and stirrups. To reinforce areas subject to punching shear, punching shear reinforcement systems such as stirrups or double-headed anchors are commonly used. An alternative is to utilise steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC), which can achieve a similar increase in load-bearing capacity as stirrups. In the current German codes, a combined utilisation of SFRC and punching shear reinforcement is excluded due to a lack of experimental data to validate a design approach. On the other hand, both Model Code 2010 and Annex L of the next generation of Eurocode 2 already contain design principles that consider steel fibres and punching shear reinforcement additively. However, the suitability in terms of reliability/safety and economic efficiency has not yet been sufficiently validated due to missing experimental results. In order to close the existing gap, a total of eight large-scale punching shear tests with combined reinforcement (stirrups, steel fibres) were carried out by the Chair of Concrete and Masonry Structures at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) following initial positive findings from preliminary tests. This paper describes and discusses in detail the setup, testing procedure and main results and findings of these experimental investigations.

Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)2-11
Number of pages10
JournalBeton- und Stahlbetonbau
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2024

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